Chocolate Crinkles

Crinkle cookies have a rich, fudgy centre and sugar-dusted crispy edge. Will be loved by kids and adults!


  • 60g cocoa powder, sieved
  • 200g caster sugar
  • 60ml vegetable oil
  • 2 large eggs
  • 180g plain flour
  • 1 tsp baking powder
  • 70g icing sugar


Mix the cocoa, caster sugar and oil together. Add the eggs one at a time, whisking until fully combined.

Stir the flour, baking powder and a pinch of salt together in a separate bowl, then add to the cocoa mixture and mix until a soft dough forms.

Heat the oven to 180C.

Pour the icing sugar into a shallow dish.

Form a heaped teaspoon of the dough into a ball, then roll in the sugar to coat.

Repeat with the remaining dough, then put, evenly spaced, on a baking tray lined with baking parchment.

Bake in the centre of the oven for around 10 minutes.

Transfer to a wire rack and leave to cool – the cookies will firm up as they cool.

Classic Bacon and Egg Pie

Nothing beats a classic bacon and egg pie


  • 3 sheets of store-bought puff pastry. The quantity will depend a little on the size of your pie dish.
  • ½ onion (finely diced)
  • ½ cup grated cheese
  • 150g bacon
  • Approximately 10 eggs, whisked


  1. Preheat your oven to 200 degrees celsius.
  2. Line a pie dish with defrosted puff pastry, making sure it comes well up the sides.
  3. Sprinkle half the grated cheese over the base of the pastry.
  4. Sprinkle the diced onion on top of the cheese.
  5. Cut the bacon into small pieces. Layer half of the bacon pieces over the grated cheese and onion.
  6. Whisk the eggs in a large bowl, and then pour the mixture into the pie dish.
  7. Reserve a little so you can brush an egg wash over the pastry top for a lovely golden finish.
  8. Add the remaining bacon on top of the eggs, followed by the rest of the grated cheese.
  9. Top the pie with pastry, make sure the edges seal well. Crimp the sides together with your fingers.
  10. You can decorate the top of the pie with shapes made from any pastry off cuts.
  11. Lightly brush the pie reserved whisked egg or a little with milk. Prick the pie a few times with a knife or fork for air holes.
  12. Bake as per the instructions on your store-bought pastry, usually for 35 mins at 200 degrees celsius.

Quick Morning Pizza

There’s nothing better than pizza for breakfast!


  • 2 eggs
  • Handful of tomatoes, sliced in half
  • Handful of mushrooms
  • Handful of cheese
  • (Or choose whatever toppings you like, such as onions or ham)


  1. Whisk eggs in a small bowl
  2. Spray a non-stick pan with cooking spray. Heat the pan over medium heat.
  3. Pour egg mixture into the pan. With a spatula, gently push cooked portions towards the centre. Tilt and rotate pan to allow the uncooked egg to flow into empty spaces.
  4. Top the egg with mushrooms, tomatoes and cheese. Cover and cook until eggs are set and cheese is melted, about 2 minutes.
  5. Slide pizza onto a plate and enjoy!

Simple Egg Wraps

Egg wraps are the perfect meal to take on the go.


  • 4 eggs
  • 2 tbsp water
  • ¼ tsp each salt and pepper
  • 4 cheddar slices (or cheese of choice)
  • 1 cup fresh spinach or lettuce
  • 1 avocado, pitted, peeled and sliced
  • 4 ham slices


  1. Whisk eggs, water, salt and pepper.
  2. Spray a non-stick pan with cooking spray or butter over medium-high heat.
  3. Pour in half of the egg mixture to form a thin layer along the bottom of the pan, like an omelette.
  4. As the eggs set around the edge of the pan, gently push the cooked portions toward the centre of the pan with a spatula. Tilt and rotate the pan to allow uncooked egg to flow into empty spaces. Ask a grown up for help.
  5. When the egg is cooked, remove the omelette to a cutting board.
  6. Layer cheese, spinach or lettuce, avocado, and ham down the centre of the egg omelette.
  7. Roll the egg omelette like a wrap, cut in half, and enjoy!

Christmas Sugar Cookies

Sugar cookies are easy to make and these can be decorated however you like – think candy cane stripes, snowmen, or reindeer!


  • 225g / 1 cup unsalted butter, softened (or use salted, skip salt)
  • 1 cup caster/superfine sugar (granulated/ordinary white sugar ok too)
  • 1½ tsp vanilla extract
  • 1 large egg (55-60g / 1.9-2oz)
  • 3 cups flour, plain/all-purpose
  • ¾ tsp baking powder
  • ¾ tsp salt


  1. Preheat Oven to 180°C/160°C fan. Line 2 baking sheets with parchment paper.
  2. Beat butter and sugar in a large bowl until creamy (1 minute on speed 5)
  3. Add egg and vanilla, beat until completely combined.
  4. Add flour, baking powder, and salt.
  5. Start mixing slowly, then beat until the flour is incorporated – it will be clumpy.
  6. Dust your work surface with flour, scrape dough out of the bowl. Pat together then cut in half, then shape into 2 discs.
  7. Roll out to 0.3cm / 1/8” (for thinner, crispier cookies) or 0.6cm / 1/4” (for thicker, softer cookies), sprinkling with flour under and over the dough so it doesn’t stick.
  8. Use cookie cutters to press out shapes and use a knife or spatula to transfer shapes to prepared baking sheets. (Keep dough that doesn’t fit in the oven in the fridge).
  9. Bake for around 10 minutes until the surface is pale golden and the edges are just beginning to turn light golden.
  10. Allow cookies to cool completely on trays (they will finish cooking on the trays).
  11. Decorate your cookies with icing (add green or red food colouring to make it Christmasey!), melted chocolate, or dust with icing sugar.

Easy Peasy Chocolate Popcorn


• 12g popcorn

• 15g chocolate, melted


1) Put the popcorn on a baking tray and drizzle over the melted chocolate.

2) Put in the fridge to set for 5-10 mins, then get snacking!

Chocolate Cornflake Crackles


• 50g butter

• 100g chocolate, broken into chunks

• 3 tbsp golden syrup

• 100g cornflakes


1) Put the butter, chocolate and golden syrup in a saucepan or microwavable bowl. Melt the butter, chocolate and golden syrup in the saucepan over a low heat or briefly in the microwave. Allow to cool a little.

2) In a separate bowl, add the cornflakes. Pour the melted ingredients over cornflakes.

3) Stir the ingredients together gently using a wooden spoon. Spoon the mixture into 12 cupcake cases arranged on a muffin tray or baking sheet.

4) Put it in the fridge to set.

Easy rocky road


• 200g digestive biscuits

• 135g butter or margarine

• 200g chocolate

• 2-3 tbsp golden syrup

• 100g mini marshmallows or chopped up regular marshmallows


1) Grease and line an 18cm square brownie tin with baking paper.

2) Put the biscuits in a freezer bag and bash them up with a rolling pin until they’re broken.

3) In a large saucepan, melt the butter, chocolate and golden syrup over a gentle heat stirring constantly until there are no lumps of chocolate, then remove from the heat. Leave to cool.

4) Take the biscuits, marshmallows and stir into the chocolate mixture until everything is completely covered.

5) Spoon the mixture into the lined baking tin, and spread it out to the corners. Chill for at least two hours.

6) Cut up into slices and enjoy.

Chocolate popsicles

**You’ll need a popsicle moulds for this recipe**


• 1 cup full cream milk

• 1/3 cup Nutella


1) Place the milk and Nutella in a blender and blend until thoroughly combined.

2) Pour the mixture into the popsicle moulds

3) Freeze and serve

Egg Salad

This egg salad tastes wonderful in a sandwich. It’s really good on nice brown bread.


• Two slices of fresh, brown bread

• Two hard boiled eggs, chopped (ask Mum or Dad to help)

• One tablespoons mayonnaise

• One gherkin or pickle, finely chopped

• Half a teaspoon fresh dill

• Salt and pepper to taste


1) In a bowl, combine your hard boiled eggs, mayonnaise, gherkin and dill in a bowl.

2) Season with salt and pepper

3) Place the filling on the first slice of bread, topping with the second slice.

4) Cut in half and enjoy with some sliced cucumbers, celery and carrot sticks