Nothing beats a classic bacon and egg pie


  • 3 sheets of store-bought puff pastry. The quantity will depend a little on the size of your pie dish.
  • ½ onion (finely diced)
  • ½ cup grated cheese
  • 150g bacon
  • Approximately 10 eggs, whisked


  1. Preheat your oven to 200 degrees celsius.
  2. Line a pie dish with defrosted puff pastry, making sure it comes well up the sides.
  3. Sprinkle half the grated cheese over the base of the pastry.
  4. Sprinkle the diced onion on top of the cheese.
  5. Cut the bacon into small pieces. Layer half of the bacon pieces over the grated cheese and onion.
  6. Whisk the eggs in a large bowl, and then pour the mixture into the pie dish.
  7. Reserve a little so you can brush an egg wash over the pastry top for a lovely golden finish.
  8. Add the remaining bacon on top of the eggs, followed by the rest of the grated cheese.
  9. Top the pie with pastry, make sure the edges seal well. Crimp the sides together with your fingers.
  10. You can decorate the top of the pie with shapes made from any pastry off cuts.
  11. Lightly brush the pie reserved whisked egg or a little with milk. Prick the pie a few times with a knife or fork for air holes.
  12. Bake as per the instructions on your store-bought pastry, usually for 35 mins at 200 degrees celsius.