Crafting a cover story

I recently learnt all about the fast-paced world of trucking journalism on a trip to Auckland.

On a trip to Thames at the end of last year I was lucky enough to head out with the New Zealand Trucking magazine’s Gavin Myers and Dave McCoid who were working on a cover story.

The cover story is an article that focuses on the truck on the cover of the magazine each month. Gavin and Dave will head out with a driver and an exceptional truck, travelling one of its usual routes, where they find out facts about the truck, how it performs, its usual jobs, information about the company it is attached to, as well as the driver’s background in the industry.

These noteworthy stories consist of an article and pictures from throughout the journey. They contain many technical details that are particularly interesting to truck enthusiasts. When I was offered the opportunity to accompany these truck journalists ‘on the job’ and learn from the best, I couldn’t say no!

Dave capturing a picture of the Iveco as it leaves with a full load of scrap metal.

I quickly found out there is plenty of planning behind a cover story before it can happen: contacting the company and asking for permission to head away with the driver, then arranging dates and times for the actual journey and for an interview with the company’s owner.

The cover story job I was invited to join was on an Iveco T-Way from Metal Solutions in Kawerau.

Gavin, Dave, and I arrived at the Whakatane Transfer Station where we met up with driver Shannon de Vos, who had a load of scrap steel and aluminium that was destined for the Metal Solutions yard in Kawerau.

After introducing ourselves to Shannon he set off, while we jumped in the car and raced ahead, in order to pull over on the side of the road and get pictures and videos of the truck in its natural habitat.

This is an important practise on road tests to get content that illustrates the truck in action. After we arrived at the scrap metal yard, while Shannon unloaded, Gavin, Dave and I met with the owner of Metal Solutions, Dave Fretwell. Meeting with the company owners is another central part of crafting the cover story’s content as it gives Gavin and Dave background on the company, its history and current achievements. We found out that Metal Solutions deals in scrap metal within the central North Island region, buying all types of scrap metal and selling it on for export and recycling.

Gav taking specs of the Iveco’s lever, which hooks onto detachable bins that are used to store the scrap metal.

When we finished the meeting, we headed back to the Iveco to record the specifications of the truck. This involves using a series of cameras and videoing equipment to gather content that shows the truck up close; this will not only be put in the magazine article but also will be compiled in a video that accompanies the magazine article and is posted online.

It often takes two to three days to gather all the information, photographs and footage needed, so we were up the next morning ready to follow the Iveco to Auckland where it was delivering a load of aluminium chip sheets to Metal Man. Gavin went in the cab with Shannon to gather a driver profile on him that is also used in the article.

Dave and I took over the photography and raced ahead to get some action shots on the top of the Kaimais. We then worked on getting some tracking shots on the highway that turned out to be epic once we reviewed them.

As we arrived in Auckland, we discovered that unfortunately Gavin was not able to go into the Metal Man yard due to safety rules, so we said our goodbyes to Shannon and headed back to Thames.

Dave and Gav getting content rain or shine.

Over the next month, Gavin crafted the story into an article that would spread over several pages for the magazine, which would describe the journey we went on and include the relevant and interesting information researched about the truck, and the company associated with it. As well as this, he chose and organised the pictures that would be used in the article, while the various video clips were sent away to an expert to be edited into a video that also shows the truck in action. It was an awesome and insightful trip to go on and I was able to get some insider information on what it is like to be a full-time truck journalist.

The great red road trip

Holidays are great aren’t they! If your job is taking photos and writing about trucks, then what better way to spend some time off than to take photos and write about trucks!

It is hard for me to work out the difference between my job and my passion. There’s an old saying, if you love what you do, then you will never work a day in your life. You should all remember that.

Every five years my mate Craig McCauley and I go on a road trip in Australia to remember a great friend who died 15 years ago. Guy Spurr loved trucks. He was a well-known photographer and writer in the industry. If you look back in the New Zealand Trucking magazine, you will find his wonderful stories to read. Guy loved the Australian road train scene, cattle trucks in particular, so we always remember him by going to one of the places he (and we) love most. The Australian Outback. This year, we had Rob van der Hoek and Dave Connor along for the ride. Great mates and first-rate truck photographers.

The Outback

Firstly, what is the Australian Outback? The outback is the name given to the huge interior of Australia where there are not many people, but a whole lot of land and space. It contains desert, national parks, and huge pastoral (grazing) farms and stations.

The outback is also the traditional home of Australia’s famous truck and multi-trailer rigs known as road trains! Most commonly, a road train is a tractor and semi-trailer combination towing a second trailer (called a double), often a third trailer (called a triple – most popular), or even four trailers (a quad). There are lots of different ways the trailers can be connected, and different weights and lengths too. The classic triple combination is normally 53.5m long and with the right permits they can operate at 124.5 tonnes GCM. GCM stands for Gross Combination Mass and refers to the weight of both the rig and its load. On one part of our trip we went to see 59.5m quad combinations able to carry up to 120 tonnne of product.

I’ve included a map of our road trip, and the red line shows you where we went.

One of the giant Wagners quad units on its way to Bing Bong in the remote Northern Territory

Our trip started in Mt Isa, a big mining town in western Queensland. We then went to Cloncurry for a couple of days and caught up with some close friends before travelling east to Julia Creek for a day photographing trucks there. Julia Creek is on the Flinders highway that runs between Cloncurry and Townsville. A lot of freight, fuel, and cattle are trucked on that road!

Do you have Issue 2 of Little Trucker Down Under in your collection? Have a look at the Pratt family’s cool truck on both the cover and on the poster of that issue. Where did it come from? That’s right, Julia Creek!

We then travelled 1329km from Cloncurry in Queensland to Alice Springs in the Northern Territory. The first 792km took us across the Barkly highway to a famous road house called ‘Three Ways’. It is located where the East/West Barkly highway meets the North/ South Stuart highway. From there we travelled 537kn south to Alice Springs. That one trip was the same as travelling from Auckland to Wellington and back, or Christchurch to Invercargill almost two and half times! Crikey! The car was puffing and needed a rest at the end of that!

See if you can find that part of the trip on the map. It will show you just how huge Australia is.

At Alice Springs we visited the National Road Transport Museum and the Kenworth Dealer Hall of Fame. I had never been, so it was a huge thrill for me.

While there, I was finally able to see the restored Rotinoff Viscount cattle truck on display – a real bucket list thing for me. Vesty Brothers bought two identical Rotinoff Viscount trucks in the late 1950s – one named Jackie and one named Julie. The trucks were famous early cattle road trains able to carry more cattle at a quicker speed – about 50km/h believe it or not – with new levels of driver comfort. I have always been interested in these two trucks, and what a thrill it was to actually sit in a Rotinoff Viscount. Sadly, only one could be restored, and poor old Jackie had to donate her bits and pieces so Julie can sit proudly in the museum today. It’s great to know one of the trucks is safe and sound, even if she doesn’t have her cattle crates on any more.

There is so much truck and road train history at the museum. Make sure it is on your ‘bucket list’ for when you are a little older! It is a must see.

After Alice Springs we motored north up the Stuart Highway toward Darwin. Word had gotten out that we were on the road taking photos and the truck drivers tooted, flashed lights, and waved. The outback is a friendly and welcoming place, full of great people.

When we were north of the Three Ways roadhouse again, we had a cool assignment to complete.

In 1987, a special truck won the Australian Truckin’ Life magazine Rig of the Year competition. It was a V8 Mack Super-Liner named Blue Thunder, owned by Kiwi-born Neville Dobbs. It hauled refrigerated trailers between Adelaide and Darwin for Northern Territory Freight Services (NTFS). We were all younger back then, and the famous poster of Blue Thunder, taken at a place called Churchill’s Head on the Stuart highway captured the hearts of all of us young ‘truckers’! Our good mate Carl Kirkbeck recently built a model of Blue Thunder by reconstructing the Highway Replicas NTFS Mack road train model. He lent us the finished Blue Thunder model to bring on our road trip so we could take its photo at Churchill’s Head – just like in the 1987 poster.

The Stuart Highway bypasses Churchill’s Head now, but the old road is still there, today just a sideroad. What a thrill it was to find Churchill’s Head and retake the great photo. A truly fantastic moment.

Next was the 360km side trip up the Carpentaria highway to capture those big 60 metre long and 240 tonne ore carting road trains I talked about. Owned by Wagners, the road trains cart their loads 120km from the McArthur River mine to the port at a place called Bing Bong (truly, it is called Bing Bong). Have you found it on the map yet?

There was one more special place I wanted to see. Remember those Rotinoff Viscount cattle road trains from the 1950s on display at the National Road Transport Museum? Those trucks were used to cart cattle from the Maryville road train compound at Helen Springs Station in the Northern Territory to Comooweal in Queensland. The old compound is still there, and I stood right where the Rotinoffs would have loaded. What a trip this was!

From there we travelled on to the town of Katherine. It is here the main road from West Australia, called the Victoria Highway, meets the Stuart Highway. This makes Katherine another busy meeting place for trucks. It was also home to one of Australia’s most famous outback truck companies – Buntine Roadways, founded by the late Noel Buntine.

Our wonderful holiday ended in Darwin, where we spent three days photographing the trucks rolling in and out of Australia’s northernmost city. What a wonderful holiday, following my passion for trucks with fantastic mates.

Just think, one day you too will be able to go on a cool road trip somewhere with great friends and take photographs of amazing trucks. I’ll look forward to reading about it.

Ruby's best trucking adventure

So last year about July, we decided it was time to start getting the Ultraliner ready for the 50 Years of Mack show. My whole family and I (Mum, Reece and my sister Lucy) spent many hours down at the truck yard polishing wheels, bumpers, the diesel tank and so much more.

The old girl then went for a quick trip to Dunedin where Terry at Custom Signs tidied up the sign writing. Reece told me he was going to get my name on the passenger door. I didn’t believe him, until he sent me a photo. Oh my gosh, how cool is this!!!

So in September Reece and I hit the road. We left home in Balclutha and were heading to Tauranga. We picked up some bulls in Hawarden and headed to Picton. We had three hours to wait in Picton so we had a short sleep in the cab. Then at 1am we drove onto the big ferry ramp. First time I’d been on the ferry!! Once we parked the truck we headed to our room for some sleep.

Nearly four hours later we arrived in Wellington. Once we got the truck off the ferry we headed up the road to the Matamau Diner for breakfast. They have walls of truck photos, it’s awesome! After we left the diner we headed up the road to Hastings where we unloaded the bulls to their new home.

After unloading we headed to Taupō, which is another three hours up the road. We stayed in Taupō that night, and the next morning we carried on up the way to Tauranga. We dropped our truck off where they repaired and painted the crate.

We then got a hire car and headed to the Waikato to do some soil testing on a farm for my step dad’s other business, Highland Nutrition. Check out the photo of me holding the impressive clover and plantain.

Once we’d finished soil testing we drove to the airport and flew back home.

50 Years of Mack Truck Show

Thursday 20 October
Reece and I got up super early, drove to the airport and flew to Tauranga to pick up our freshly painted truck. Only to arrive there and find the signwriting hadn’t been done. Our stomachs dropped to our feets, this was a nightmare! After a lot of stress and some fast phone calls, Cliff and the guys at Sign Art did us a massive favour and got the crate signwritten for us. Wahoo!

Friday 21 October
Mum and my sister Lucy flew from Dunedin to Palmerston North to meet us. Reece and I got in the truck and drove down to Palmerston North. We all arrived around dinner time and settled into our motel for an early night.

Saturday 22 October
We had another early start. Today is SHOW DAY!! We had to head to Motor Truck Distributors where all the trucks met, so we could travel to the show in convoy.

It was a massive convoy with around 180 trucks. We drove to the Manfield Raceway where the parade was held. There were around 200 trucks there. It was amazing! All Macks, all shining, all so cool!

When the parade was over we went back to the motel to get ready for the dinner and speeches. I was getting tired so I sat in the corner and did some sketching. Glenn and Julie Allingham from Jaks Trucks were the owners of the winning truck.

The next day Mum and Lucy flew home. Reece and I went to Felding saleyards for a photoshoot. The following day we cruised around Palmerston North and for a look through the Motor Truck Distributors workshop where the Macks used to be built. We caught up with National Sales manager Stu Wynd.

Then headed to Bulls for the next day’s work.

This was a super early start. We carted heifers to the port of Nelson for a live export. I had a few naps throughout the day.

We stayed in Levin for the night then went back on the ferry the next morning. We then picked up calves and took them to Culverden. The following morning we loaded steers at Scargill and took them to Makikihi.

Next, we’re homeward bound… PHEW!! What an epic trip.

Truckies pulls through for birthday boy Ollie

Here at Little Trucker Down Under, we love how much all our mates love trucks! And we think that all of the amazing people in our trucking community are the very best part of this industry (well, except for the trucks!). The heart and kindness of our trucking community was really put on show recently, when everyone came together to celebrate the birthday of seven-year-old Ollie Johnson in Hamilton.

Ollie’s parents had posted on Facebook asking for a truck ride for truck-obsessed Ollie to help celebrate his birthday. But the sector came through with no less than 64 trucks answering their call.

Ollie’s mother had offered $50 to anyone willing to take her son for a ride in their truck for his birthday. She said Ollie was feeling lonely and hoped a ride in a truck would cheer him up.

“All he wants to do is be a truck driver. He is just obsessed,” she says.

After seeing the post, Hart Haulage owner Barry Hart thought he could do better than just one truck ride, and began planning a truck convoy just for Ollie.

Barry put a call out on social media and 64 drivers turned up for Ollie’s birthday convoy.

“It’s the norm for truckers and our industry. It’s why we love this industry,” Barry says. Some truckers travelled more than 120km in their big rigs to take part.

“For all the guys to come along, it’s pretty cool,” Barry says.

The convoy grouped and started from the Hart Haulage yard near Huntington in Hamilton. It ran down the Waikato Expressway to Hautapu, finishing up at the yards of C&R Developments.

C&R Developments opened up its car and machinery museum for everyone to enjoy, while Service Foods Ltd provided hot food and cold beverages via a food truck stall for the crowds that were there.

There were approximately 250 to 300 people at the event.

Mum Katherine, who put up the original Facebook post, says Ollie was brought up around trucks.

“We are so grateful. This story has gone around the world, we are so humbled,” she says.

Dad Simon said the industry really came together.

“Thank you doesn’t cover what happened today,” he says.

“A lot of people have gone to a lot of effort to make today happen, and it’s those people who couldn’t be here who have helped us along the way, we really want to say thank you.

“And thank you to Hart Haulage, who has been on the same page the whole journey, we are just so grateful.”

And Ollie’s favourite truck of the show? A C509 Kenworth. He even had a go at blasting the horn.

Happy birthday Ollie, from all your friends at Little Trucker Down Under.

Billy's bulldozer

Dustin heads out with Billy to pick up a new bulldozer

Name: Dustin
Age: 13
From: Hawarden, North Canterbury
Can be found in a: K200

One overcast afternoon I got a call from Billy Lott of Lott Contracting, a company started by Billy’s dad in 1957.

He was getting ready to go pick up his new bulldozer. He picked me up on the way in, we got to Rolleston and went to the John Deere dealership.

We went around the back, and there it was waiting for us. It looked really cool. We loaded it up, and got on the road, with a pilot vehicle driving in front of us. We had all the flashing lights on.

We were heading for home and had just got off the motorway when the truck cut out, and then the ABS fell out of the trailer and they were sparking, so we lost the power in the truck.

We got it all fixed and then carried on, and when we got to Amberley we stopped and had a pie. Billy’s favourite pie shop is Wakefield Bakery – Billy loves pies!

We got back to the yard at midnight, so we went home and went to bed. In the morning, we unloaded the bulldozer, and then we had to fix some small oil leaks.

About to head out onto the road

After we loaded up the bulldozer, we took it to its first job. We dropped it off then went back to the yard and dropped off the truck.

The bulldozer weighed 28 tonnes. Billy’s dad Dave is 92 years old and still drives bulldozers. Billy got his bull bar custom made from Whites Bull Bars in Melbourne, Australia.

Thanks to everyone at Lott Contracting for making my time there very enjoyable.

The Scania transports the bulldozer
The truck and bulldozer looking stunning

Off for a ride

Our mate Jacob is a member of Team Quality Supertruck Racing, who recently took part at a Thunder Down Under racing event in Timaru. Jacob takes people on trips in his own little truck – and donates the money he receives to help animals!

On the Friday of the racing at Timaru, I cleaned my truck to get it ready for rides. I take kids for rides in my truck and all the money I get, I get to give it to the SPCA because I like to help animals.

I have 21 chickens and four sheep and a dog called Carly.

When I was doing rides, there was a policeman. He pulled me over and asked me for my drivers licence. Sorry Mr Policeman, I don’t have a licence but I am a really good driver – and I don’t drive my little truck on the road! He said I am a fantastic driver.

Jacob loves animals and donating to the SPCA

When my dad comes in off the truck, I get him a drink and give it to him when the truck is parked. I also love helping my grandad clean the BBQ and get it ready for making dinner.

The racing was at the Levels International Raceway in Timaru. My dad came third in the race – I am so proud of him.

Our whole team raced for Carl Gibson, who recently passed away. He drove the L&P truck that towed the race truck, the Panther, to all of the meetings. I miss him, he was my friend.

When all the racing was finished, my friend Payton asked all the super trucking drivers to get in my little truck and I took them all for a ride. I think the truck was a bit overloaded!

Come along to a meeting sometime and I’ll take you for a ride!

Top drive in New Zealand

There are some pretty epic drives all around New Zealand and Australia. We talk to Robbie Lilburn, managing director at Lilburn Transport, about his favourite drive in New Zealand.

What is your favourite drive?

The Napier-Taihape Road.

Where does it start and where does it finish?

The road starts at the top of Taihape Deviation and comes out at Omahu, Hastings.

What are some highlights of the journey?

The challenges from start to finish, the narrow bits, the steep climbs, sharp corners and the scenery.

How long does it take?

The drive takes around four hours, depending on road conditions.

Logged and loaded

Dustin heads out on a logging truck with his mates at Steve Murphy Limited, a transport company in Canterbury.

Name: Dustin
Age: 13
From: Hawarden, North Canterbury
Can be found in a: K200

One spring afternoon, I jumped in a K200 logging truck with Steve James from Steve Murphy Limited (SML) and headed for Greta Valley, North Canterbury, 83km north of Christchurch.

We got to the skid site and loaded up. It was cool how the digger loaded the logs on the truck. We threw some chains on then went down the hill. Then we got on the road and headed for Belfast. When we got to Stoneyhurst Sawmilling in Belfast, we took the chains off the logs and unloaded.

We headed back to the yard. When we got back, there was a Mack Super-Liner going to get picked up so I went with a man named Bert to pick it up.

My favorite part about the K200 is the bull bar – it’s Steve’s favorite part too.

“The Kenworth K200 has more grunt than a wild pig,” Steve says.

Steve Murphy Limited

There are 48 trucks in the SML fleet. Steve says it’s not what you know, it’s who you know. I’m lucky to know Jake Terrell & Will Cowens that work at SML, they are family friends and I look up to them. I hope to work at SML one day.

Big thanks to Chris and Steve Murphy who own SML for letting me go in their trucks. And thanks to Steve James for looking after me for the day, and to Jake and Will for organising it for me.

A big day out with Pop

Ezra and his brother Kyen love seeing their Pop in his big, turquoise truck.

Name: Ezra
Age: 7
Can be found in a: Mercedes-Benz

Hi my name is Ezra, I am 7 years old and my brother’s name is Kyen, he is 2½ years old.

Over the holidays, my Pop, Wayne, took us for a ride in his truck. My dad, Shane, came too. My Pop’s truck is a Mercedes-Benz, it has 600+ horsepower – wow! The colour of his truck is turquoise.

We drove the truck from the truck yard, over the motorway, and back again to the yard. We saw lots of diggers and other trucks in the yard too. When we were driving in the truck, we waved at the other truck drivers.

I really liked being in my Pop’s truck because you are so high up compared to the cars. The cars look so small. My little brother Kyen made lots of noises in the truck because he was so excited. He loves trucks and enjoys playing with them at home too. It was such a fun day going out on my Pop’s truck and I think he is a great truck driver.


Perfect replica diecast models of iconic Kiwi nine-axle stock units – who could have thought? This month, we drop in and meet those who did imagine, and have now made them a reality.

For an eternity, diecast model-truck collectors countrywide have dreamt of a manufacturer that could make accurate representations of the typical Kiwi rigs we see on our highways. Well, that wait is over. Our good friends at Model Barn, outside of Thames, have been extremely busy resolving this gap in the market. After many years of research, Model Barn’s director Jeremy Welsh is proud to reveal the company’s pet project is nearing completion.

Arriving at the Orongo Road retail store it’s impossible to miss the pair of FH Volvo Globetrotters sitting proudly in a display cabinet front and centre. We find ourselves staring in awe of the two pre-production blanks. First impressions of the 1:64th-scale Globetrotters are the accuracy of the finer details. At this scale, many manufacturers will skim over the finer points. But it is not the case here. From the spotlights to the signwriting and scrolls, the team has captured the essence of the life-sized rigs from every angle.

Jeremy explains that the vision behind ‘Kiwi Replicas’ was to provide the market with model trucks that accurately depict the unique configurations found in New Zealand. “There are plenty of trucks out there that we get from Australia. They are great; they are right-hand-drive, so they are similar, but the trailers are not the same.

“There are also plenty of trucks available from Europe and America, but they are all left-hand-drive, so I wanted to make something that was uniquely New Zealand. The four-axle truck with five-axle trailer combination that we see here was what I wanted to build.”

The choice to base the first builds on the Volvo Globetrotter was assisted by Jeremy’s project manager, who had worked with Volvo previously on another project. The FH Globetrotter is also a common weapon of choice with many livestock operators, ensuring no shortage of candidates for the future.

The first two cabs off the rank for Kiwi Replicas are ‘Miss Stacey Jade’, an FH750 belonging to the local Thames Valley fleet of Graeme Wright General Carriers in Puriri, and ‘The Swedish Palace’ FH700 of Transport Services Ltd (TSL) from Nightcaps, deep in the south. According to Jeremy, both companies were elated to have their trucks replicated as models, and he is moving forward with plans to build another eight units. He has already approached other well-known liveries to garner their interest, and they are equally as excited, so watch this space.