Dustin heads out on a logging truck with his mates at Steve Murphy Limited, a transport company in Canterbury.

Name: Dustin
Age: 13
From: Hawarden, North Canterbury
Can be found in a: K200

One spring afternoon, I jumped in a K200 logging truck with Steve James from Steve Murphy Limited (SML) and headed for Greta Valley, North Canterbury, 83km north of Christchurch.

We got to the skid site and loaded up. It was cool how the digger loaded the logs on the truck. We threw some chains on then went down the hill. Then we got on the road and headed for Belfast. When we got to Stoneyhurst Sawmilling in Belfast, we took the chains off the logs and unloaded.

We headed back to the yard. When we got back, there was a Mack Super-Liner going to get picked up so I went with a man named Bert to pick it up.

My favorite part about the K200 is the bull bar – it’s Steve’s favorite part too.

“The Kenworth K200 has more grunt than a wild pig,” Steve says.

Steve Murphy Limited

There are 48 trucks in the SML fleet. Steve says it’s not what you know, it’s who you know. I’m lucky to know Jake Terrell & Will Cowens that work at SML, they are family friends and I look up to them. I hope to work at SML one day.

Big thanks to Chris and Steve Murphy who own SML for letting me go in their trucks. And thanks to Steve James for looking after me for the day, and to Jake and Will for organising it for me.