Smart Trucking
Our on-the-ground reporter in Australia Mike Williams tells us all about telemetry – which is special equipment used to record what a truck is doing on the road.
G’day there Little Truckers. There are a lot of interesting characters in trucking in New Zealand. We have a few in Australia as well. My friend Rod Hannifey is one of those. He works for Rod Pilon Transport in Dubbo in New South Wales.
Rod is a long time road safety advocate with probably the smartest truck in Australia. I don’t mean smartest as in best looking either, although it does look good, I mean the smartest as in it has lots of hi tech equipment to record what the truck is doing on the road. This is called telemetry. You normally see that on race cars. Rod records all the data from the road and the truck and shares that to help make our roads safer.
He’s driven all over the place and carried all sorts of freight. When I last saw him he had a “B Triple” hooked up heading for far North Queensland.
Let’s have a look at the Transport Industry Vehicle that Rod drives to promote road safety and collect the telemetry data he shares.