Ruby spends a lot of time out trucking with her stepdad, Reece. She shares some awesome photos out on the job!

Hey guys! I’m Ruby, I’m 10 years old and live in Balclutha, South Otago, New Zealand.

My stepdad Reece owns Cranleigh Haulage, a rural- based transport company. I’m lucky enough to spend a lot of time out trucking.

I love going in any of the trucks, but mostly the stock truck. I love to get in the back and use my stock whistle! When I’m out trucking, I mostly love the views and some of the scenic routes you get in the middle of nowhere, especially when doing stock.

I also love hanging out in the workshop and doing a bit of truck maintenance.

Other than trucking, I’m really into Moto-X, I’ve even got a motorbike that I get to ride often. I also enjoy art, and love rocks, minerals and all the information behind them.

Here’s some pics of me out on the job!