Earlier this year, some very lucky kids got the opportunity to visit a real-life transport yard!

The Ngāti Kuia iwi playgroup, Pua, were extremely fortunate to go see the waka (vehicles) at Stuart Drummond Transport on Waitangi Day this year, while the yard wasn’t in operation.

It was the first session back for the new term so the tamariki (children) and whānau were so excited.

The group had the opportunity to walk around the yard, look inside a few of the trucks, and jump into the driver’s seat of the loader onsite. A highlight was watching Grant, father to one of the tamariki and an employee of the company, demonstrate using the loader, putting up a trailer onto a truck.

Ngā mihi nunui ki a koutou o Stuart Drummond Transport!

What a cool treat being able to get up on the truck
Stuart Drummond Transport had some really cool, big trucks at the yard