Ever wondered what it’s like to go for a ride in a truck? Well our friend Margaret Murphy wondered this too, and she tells us all about her very first truck ride.

I had been looking forward to this trip for months. A road trip with my work colleagues Dave and Gavin from NZ Trucking Media and Guy Knowles driving his Kenworth K220 truck and trailer unit from Papakura to Palmerston North. Talk about a dream come true!

We started off with a hearty breakfast at the BP Truck Stop at Papakura then hit the road, saying goodbye to the Auckland traffic, destination Palmerston North. Over the Bombay Hills we travelled along State Highway 1 before turning off just north of Hamilton, heading south down to Te Kuiti where it was time to refuel. Next stop National Park for refreshments and a wee stop. As we travelled through the King Country, I couldn’t help but think how scenic the countryside was, still nice and green after some recent rain.

At National Park, Dave asked if I would like to join Guy in his truck for the next stage of our journey. Of course, I would, but politely asked Guy if it was all right, at the same time quietly jumping for joy at the opportunity. I first had to be shown how to climb into the truck, and tentatively trying not to slip and lose my dignity, I climbed up. I was in, relieved I hadn’t embarrassed myself, belted up and was ready to go. Off we headed, next stop Mangaweka for a photo opportunity of Guy and his K220 truck in front of the long ago closed Mangaweka Garage for a feature article in New Zealand Trucking magazine. Getting out of the cab was my next challenge. I opened the door and looked down. Oh help, it’s a long way down. Wisely Guy did warn me not to try to jump out, maybe he saw the ‘how the heck’ look on my face. I did make it safely down. Photos taken, back into the truck again, next stop Hunterville. Guy and I chatted along the way while I quietly noted how smoothly he moved through the gears and how quiet and comfortable the ride was. The twists and turns of the road, corners, and bridges were effortlessly navigated as we made our way south. I suspect that had something to do with Guy’s skilful driving. It’s a big rig but you would never have thought so.

My ride ended at Hunterville. Gavin took over the passenger seat until we reached our final destination, Guy and Helen Knowles’ truck depot in Palmerston North.

What an awesome day. Yes, I was tired but I had a great day. I won’t ever forget this day. Thank you to Guy and Helen Knowles for their hospitality and for giving me the opportunity to have my very first truck ride.

I couldn’t wait to tell my friends and family all about my truck adventures when I got home.