Name: Zoe
Age: 8 years old
Lives: Queensland
Can be found in: A Kenworth C509
Hey Little Truckers, my name is Zoe and I live in Queensland, Australia. I LOVE getting the chance to go with my dad in the cattle truck some school holidays. The truck is a Kenworth C509 with Cannon Trailer cattle crates.
We live in Goondiwindi, Queensland and our family owns McKelvey Livestock Haulage, which helps farmers move their cattle very big distances across Australia.

Depending on the job, sometimes the truck has a B double hooked up (three decks), but it’s my favourite when the road train is set up because it looks huge! A road train carries six decks of cattle. When they are taking cattle into the feedlot, there are 156 head of cattle on board. That’s a lot of beef!
When I go in the truck, my favourite part is watching and helping load the cattle into the crates. When I grow up I’d like to be a Jillaroo and also drive a truck.
See you on the roads!