Little and large mates for life
Welcome to a new section in Little Trucker Down Under – Dave’s Diary.
I’m Dave McCoid, and I work at New Zealand Trucking Media with your wonderful editor Shannon Williams. I’ve been around trucks most of my life and she has asked me to write a small piece on pretty much anything I like to do with trucking. It might be a fun fact, a cool truck I’ve seen… anything. Let’s start with comparing the size of our countries so we all know what we are dealing with when we talk trucking.
Australia and New Zealand – mates for life. We teach the world how to get on with your neighbour.
One of our biggest differences though is our size. Australia is really big, and New Zealand moderately small. Australia is 7,692,024 square corners, and towns along the way!
Here’s another interesting fact. Even though Australia has 27,010,500 people and we only have 5,200,000 people, if we spread everyone in both countries evenly across the land, there would only be 3.5 people standing in each square kilometre of Australia, and 5.3 on each square kilometre of New Zealand. That is not how it works out in real life of course. Because of the vast desert regions in the middle of Australia, most people live closer to the coast, but it does give you another example of just how huge Australia is. It is gigantic!
Now, what shall I talk about next time?