After discovering a pair of Kenworth T900 scale models in the livery of Muscat Haulage, Little Trucker Down Under’s Milly McCauley was keen to find out more about the company that owns the real trucks. She reached out to Andrew Muscat in Australia who was more than happy to tell her about the company.

Who owns Muscat Haulage?

Tony and Beth Muscat, my parents, began Muscat Haulage in 1977, before my two brothers Chris, Michael and I, joined them 20 years ago in 2003. The family has been running the business side-by-side ever since.

Where do you have trucks based?

The company is based out of Yass, New South Wales.

How many trucks does Muscat Haulage operate?

Muscat Haulage operates 11 trucks and has a further two Kenworth SAR Legends ordered for 2024.

Some of the trucks in your fleet are red and some are white, could you explain the story behind that?

My mother and father’s original company colours were white and maroon, so the design pays respect to where Mum and Dad started the business.

Kenworth SAR Legend

What makes of trucks do you have and how many of each?

Muscat Haulage has an all-Kenworth fleet, with three T909s, one T904, two T900 Legends, a T659, a T610, a SAR Legend, a T359 and one K200.

How many people do Muscat Haulage employ?

Muscat Haulage employs 17 people.

What type of loads do you cart?

Predominantly building materials, steel and timber, however we cart anything that can go on a flat top, from fresh produce to army equipment.

Where are the main areas you operate in around Australia?

Mostly the east coast of Australia – Brisbane, Sydney and Melbourne.

What is your title at Muscat Haulage and what are your responsibilities?

I am a director of the company, but I also drive full time. However, both Chris and I also allocate and help out in the workshop if needed.

Kenworth T904

Did you always think you would work in transport?

As a kid, I was truck-mad. Where I grew up, our house overlooked the highway, where I could watch trucks drive past all day, so I always knew I would end up working with trucks.

How long have you been involved with the business?

My full-time employment with Muscat Haulage began in August 2004, so 19 years.

What’s your favourite thing about working in the industry?

I enjoy the sense of freedom, as you can plan and complete your day as you see fit, as well as the mates you make through working in the industry.

What things would you like to see change for the transport industry over time?

I would like to see logbook regulations change, with break times being determined by the driver, rather than when the book tells us we have to.

Do you have a favourite truck in your fleet?

The T900 Legends, however the T904 was the truck I learnt to drive in, so it’s got a very special place in my heart.

What would be some advice you would give to any young people who want to start a career in transport?

Don’t be afraid to ask questions and take all information on board. People are always willing to teach you if you are willing to learn.

This Kenworth T610 SAR called “Wild Card”

Can you tell me a fun or interesting fact about Muscat Haulage?

There are currently three generations working at Muscat Haulage – my father Tony, my brothers Chris, Michael and myself, as well as two of Chris’s sons, Blake and Ethan, who are currently driving for Muscats, which is super cool, as it truly is a family business.

The T900 Legend Kenworths in your fleet are named “Home Run” and “Loaded Bases”. Could you explain the story behind those names?

The names are a tribute to my wife, who loves baseball, however, they are also a nod to Chris’s and my personality traits. I drive Loaded Bases, which is in recognition to me being detail-oriented and how I often “stress the small things”, whereas my brother Chris drives Home Run, which acknowledges how he is happy to experience the journey of going to pick up a load – once he is loaded, Chris is all about the “Home Run”.

A line-up after the Kenworth Klassic show recently